
    1. GOLDEN DENEB IMO 9859258

      🇯🇵 Japan
      Chemical/Oil Products Tanker

      The vessel GOLDEN DENEB (IMO: 9859258) is a Chemical/Oil Products Tanker sailing under the flag of Japan.

    2. LMZ ATLAS IMO 9850018

      🇨🇾 CYPRUS
      Bulk Carrier

      The vessel LMZ ATLAS (IMO: 9850018) is a Bulk Carrier sailing under the flag of CYPRUS.

    3. SAAM ALYA IMO 9869772

      🇧🇷 BRAZIL

      The vessel SAAM ALYA (IMO: 9869772) is a Tug sailing under the flag of BRAZIL.

    4. VB SURPRISE IMO 9870094

      🇫🇷 FRANCE

      The vessel VB SURPRISE (IMO: 9870094) is a Tug sailing under the flag of FRANCE.

    5. BIN GANG JUN 8 IMO 9852080

      🇨🇳 China, People's Republic Of
      Hopper Dredger

      The vessel BIN GANG JUN 8 (IMO: 9852080) is a Hopper Dredger sailing under the flag of China, People's Republic Of.

    6. LENINETS IMO 9823912

      🇷🇺 Russia
      Fishing Vessel

      The vessel LENINETS (IMO: 9823912) is a Fishing Vessel sailing under the flag of Russia.

    7. TAKAROA SUN IMO 9850202

      🇸🇬 SINGAPORE
      Chemical/Oil Products Tanker

      The vessel TAKAROA SUN (IMO: 9850202) is a Chemical/Oil Products Tanker sailing under the flag of SINGAPORE.

    8. PROTEUS IMO 9864368

      Chemical/Oil Products Tanker

      The vessel PROTEUS (IMO: 9864368) is a Chemical/Oil Products Tanker sailing under the flag of MARSHALL ISLANDS.

    9. COOPER K IMO 9890252


      The vessel COOPER K (IMO: 9890252) is a Tug sailing under the flag of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

    10. VOERDUR IMO 9844710

      🇮🇸 Iceland
      Fishing Vessel

      The vessel VOERDUR (IMO: 9844710) is a Fishing Vessel sailing under the flag of Iceland.


      🇳🇬 Nigeria
      Platform Supply Ship

      The vessel WHISKY CHALLENGER (IMO: 9885037) is a Platform Supply Ship sailing under the flag of Nigeria.

    12. SAINT RAPHAEL IMO 9849112

      🇫🇷 France
      Fishing Vessel

      The vessel SAINT RAPHAEL (IMO: 9849112) is a Fishing Vessel sailing under the flag of France.

    13. POLAR NATTORALIK IMO 9826031

      🇩🇰 Denmark
      Fish Factory Ship

      The vessel POLAR NATTORALIK (IMO: 9826031) is a Fish Factory Ship sailing under the flag of Denmark.

    14. ELLIOT IMO 9870410

      Chemical Tanker

      The vessel ELLIOT (IMO: 9870410) is a Chemical Tanker sailing under the flag of NETHERLANDS.

    15. TEAM BELEUZI IMO 9729453

      🇲🇭 Marshall Islands
      Platform Supply Ship

      The vessel TEAM BELEUZI (IMO: 9729453) is a Platform Supply Ship sailing under the flag of Marshall Islands.

    16. KYOKUYO MARU IMO 9866483

      🇯🇵 Japan
      Passenger/Ro-Ro Cargo Ship

      The vessel KYOKUYO MARU (IMO: 9866483) is a Passenger/Ro-Ro Cargo Ship sailing under the flag of Japan.

    17. KONGNAES II IMO 9899789

      🇩🇰 Denmark
      Fishing Vessel

      The vessel KONGNAES II (IMO: 9899789) is a Fishing Vessel sailing under the flag of Denmark.

    18. GONAYA XVII IMO 9902706

      🇮🇩 Indonesia

      The vessel GONAYA XVII (IMO: 9902706) is a Tug sailing under the flag of Indonesia.

    19. MINERVA KALLISTO IMO 9853008

      🇬🇷 GREECE
      Crude Oil Tanker

      The vessel MINERVA KALLISTO (IMO: 9853008) is a Crude Oil Tanker sailing under the flag of GREECE.

    20. RELTUG NINETEEN IMO 9822425

      🇮🇳 INDIA

      The vessel RELTUG NINETEEN (IMO: 9822425) is a Tug sailing under the flag of INDIA.


      🇸🇬 SINGAPORE
      Container Ship

      The vessel MAGDALENA SCHULTE (IMO: 9743502) is a Container Ship sailing under the flag of SINGAPORE.

    22. MAERSK SONGKHLA IMO 9840726

      🇸🇬 SINGAPORE
      Container Ship

      The vessel MAERSK SONGKHLA (IMO: 9840726) is a Container Ship sailing under the flag of SINGAPORE.

    23. MUGUNGHWA NO. 39 IMO 9853412

      🇰🇷 KOREA, SOUTH
      Fish Farm Support Vessel

      The vessel MUGUNGHWA NO. 39 (IMO: 9853412) is a Fish Farm Support Vessel sailing under the flag of KOREA, SOUTH.

    24. ZENITH WIN IMO 9884916

      🇰🇷 KOREA, SOUTH
      General Cargo Ship

      The vessel ZENITH WIN (IMO: 9884916) is a General Cargo Ship sailing under the flag of KOREA, SOUTH.


      🇲🇹 MALTA
      Chemical/Oil Products Tanker

      The vessel CASTILLO DE ARTEAGA (IMO: 9871012) is a Chemical/Oil Products Tanker sailing under the flag of MALTA.


      🇹🇷 Turkey
      Fishing Vessel

      The vessel GECICILER BALIKCILIK 2 (IMO: 9893840) is a Fishing Vessel sailing under the flag of Turkey.

    27. JIAN XING 56 IMO 9899038

      🇨🇳 China, People's Republic Of
      Chemical Tanker

      The vessel JIAN XING 56 (IMO: 9899038) is a Chemical Tanker sailing under the flag of China, People's Republic Of.

    28. NORTH STAR IMO 9849942

      🇮🇲 ISLE OF MAN
      Sailing Vessel

      The vessel NORTH STAR (IMO: 9849942) is a Sailing Vessel sailing under the flag of ISLE OF MAN.

    29. NAN EI MARU IMO 9873400

      🇯🇵 Japan
      General Cargo Ship

      The vessel NAN EI MARU (IMO: 9873400) is a General Cargo Ship sailing under the flag of Japan.

    30. EQUINOX SOFRANO IMO 9860221

      Bulk Carrier

      The vessel EQUINOX SOFRANO (IMO: 9860221) is a Bulk Carrier sailing under the flag of MARSHALL ISLANDS.

    31. BUANA ALPHA IMO 9892729

      🇮🇩 Indonesia
      Pusher Tug

      The vessel BUANA ALPHA (IMO: 9892729) is a Pusher Tug sailing under the flag of Indonesia.

    32. MARJAN GHESHM IMO 9894272

      🇮🇷 Iran
      Landing Craft

      The vessel MARJAN GHESHM (IMO: 9894272) is a Landing Craft sailing under the flag of Iran.

    33. ATLAS IMO 9882255

      🇫🇷 France
      Fishing Vessel

      The vessel ATLAS (IMO: 9882255) is a Fishing Vessel sailing under the flag of France.

    34. LALANDII 1 IMO 9856414

      🇳🇦 NAMIBIA
      Fishing Vessel

      The vessel LALANDII 1 (IMO: 9856414) is a Fishing Vessel sailing under the flag of NAMIBIA.

    35. UNITED GRACE IMO 9870147

      🇱🇷 LIBERIA
      Bulk Carrier

      The vessel UNITED GRACE (IMO: 9870147) is a Bulk Carrier sailing under the flag of LIBERIA.

    36. DEFENDER X IMO 9870202

      🇳🇬 NIGERIA
      Platform Supply Ship

      The vessel DEFENDER X (IMO: 9870202) is a Platform Supply Ship sailing under the flag of NIGERIA.

    37. LCCV 141 IMO 9847906

      🇵🇦 Panama
      Landing Craft

      The vessel LCCV 141 (IMO: 9847906) is a Landing Craft sailing under the flag of Panama.

    38. YICK TUG 102 IMO 9889409

      🇱🇷 LIBERIA

      The vessel YICK TUG 102 (IMO: 9889409) is a Tug sailing under the flag of LIBERIA.

    39. ZHONG TUO ZHI XING IMO 9899129

      🇨🇳 China, People's Republic Of
      Bulk Carrier

      The vessel ZHONG TUO ZHI XING (IMO: 9899129) is a Bulk Carrier sailing under the flag of China, People's Republic Of.

    40. NAVIG8 GLADIATOR IMO 9853230

      🇱🇷 LIBERIA
      Chemical/Oil Products Tanker

      The vessel NAVIG8 GLADIATOR (IMO: 9853230) is a Chemical/Oil Products Tanker sailing under the flag of LIBERIA.

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